Corundum castable is actually more commonly known as the aluminum content of more than 85% of the castable. Corundum refractory castables in the refractory castable, is a high-grade castable, because corundum castable high temperature resistance strength, and wear resistance to erosion, gas sealing performance is good, there is a rapid coagulation early strength characteristics.

At present, it is mainly used in areas with high temperature and severe erosion. However, although corundum castable has high strength, its flexibility is not very good, just like corundum castable used at the mouth of the cement rotary kiln. Many corundum castable manufacturers add mullite to meet the special requirements of the mouth of the kiln.
Corundum refractory castables also has different grades and different additive materials, users can choose different corundum castable according to the location and temperature of use, there are chromium corundum castable, zirconium corundum castable, composite corundum castable.
To be specific, corundum castable is made of high quality refractory aggregate, with appropriate coagulant, dispersant and stainless steel fiber. Main characteristics of corundum refractory castables: high strength, good high temperature performance, volume stability, small thermal conductivity, slag penetration resistance, erosion resistance, construction convenience, furnace structure integrity, etc.

Zhengzhou Rongsheng Kiln Refractory Co.,Ltd. is professional refractory supplier. We are committed to the production of a variety of high quality refractory castable cement, customers throughout the world, the quality of the product has been customer praise, you are welcome to come to consult and purchase.